子どもたちに、英語・数学/算数の楽しさを伝えたい2013年03月08日 10時27分48秒

The Arithmetic of Life and Death
George Shaffner
Ballantime Books (1999 )

 I discovered that many of my relatives, a few of my friends and practically all politicians seem to live their lives in a sort of innumerate bliss –- a stare in which virtually all remnants of mathematical thought have been exorcised high school. These people are the “Refugees from Math.” ・・・・
Every year in every high school, when the last bell rings after the last class of Algebra, in a moment of unrestrained group euphoria, the Refugees from Math shut down their left brains, and another small exodus from math begins.
(Preface P.Xii – XiV)

Without question, the very best way to reduce the likelihood of an untimely death is to be a woman. Even if you were not born a woman, then you may wish to consider behaving like one. Presumably, this would mean doing the little things, like reading the label on the bottle before mixing your heart medicine with bourbon, or not swimming across the flood-swollen river when the water temperature is only fifty degrees Fahrenheit just to prove that you can do it, or not relying on lethal weapons to solve differences of opinion.
(Chapter 30 Death by Misadventure P.157)

It is possible that Nature invented life and death this way on purpose. As long as there is uncertainty in death, then each life must be lived to its fullest. So a firm answer to the question “Is there life after death?” may forever be beyond mortal proof.
(Chapter 35 Life after Death P.184-185)


 2003年の Fall Semester の Managing Exchange のクラスで Gates 教授が副読本として使った “The Arithmetic of Life and Death”が数学の面白さ・楽しさを教えてくれるものだった、のを思い出し、読み直してみようと考えた。2014年の学習支援ボランティア活動に役立つのではと。


“The Arithmetic of Life” 「人生について数学が教えてくれること」となっていて、 “Death” が消えている。そして、章の数も少し少ない。初版をだしてから、評判などを参考にして改訂をしたのだろうか。
  角川書店 (2001/1/31 )
大人が気軽に読める文体と量なので、「算数難民(Refugees from Math)」および、中学生を含んで、その候補者には一読して欲しい読み物である。